So the last you heard from Me (Enzer0) and Aquilas we had sort of finished the Orions Spartans animations. You haven't heard from us in a while and thats because we have been very busy - Unfortunatly not working on a third OS animation.
Now we've started something that some what wider audience can appreciate.
We have alot of characters and work this time and so I'd like to pull maybe another artist in. Specifically a background artist. Possibly some voice actors too.
Here are the conditions for our artist.
1. Your reliable
2. You have a good understanding if Adobe Flash CS3
3. You have animated or illustrated before (if so, what did you do)
4. You're friendly and easy to work with
If you fit the criteria above, I want to see your stuff! Direct me to it and we will see what happens.
As for anyone applying for voice acting. 2 Female roles are required and possible 1 male.
Here are the conditions for voice actors
1. You do not need any past experience just a wide range of voices
2. You must speak clearly
3. Quality with recordings must be top notch. (Don't use a $1 Mic please)
Good luck to all of you! Entries should be in by June 20th